Sabtu, 21 November 2015

The Cause of Air Pollution

The Cause of Air Pollution


Air pollution caused by industries.

Air pollutions is caused by many factors, by human activity or even by natural cause.

Human Activity Factors

  • Human industry
  • Deforestation
  • Automobile or vehicles that emits nitrogen oxydes, carbon monoxides, and hydrocarbons
  • Coal fueled electric power plants
  • Air toxic and mercury-contained products
  • Military resources such as nuclear weapons, toxic gases,biological warfare, and rocketry
  • Waste incenerators
  • Traditional biomass burning including wood, crop waste, and dung
  • Fumes from drying paints, hair spray, aerosol spray, and varnish used for wood finishing
  • Charcoal fire
  • Lawnmowers
  • Dry Cleaners
  • Industrial accidents

Automobile that emits dangerous chemical nitrogen oxydes.

Natural Factors

  • Burning land which produces smoke and carbon monoxides
  • Forest fire
  • Methane, emitted by the digestion of animal food
  • Dust and dust storm
  • Volcanic activity, which produce gasses, sulfur, chlorine, and ash
  • Ground level ozone, like Radon gas within Earth's crust

The eruption from volcanic activity.

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