Sabtu, 24 Juni 2017

Pidato - Significance of Play / Pentingnya Bermain

Nama: Hizkia Dwiatmaja
NIM: 1400410023
Mata Kuliah: Public Speaking / English for Communication
Topik: Public Speaking / Pidato

Bermain Asyik, Bekerja Efektif

Versi Bahasa Indonesia 

Pernahkah kalian berpikir sesuatu yang sedang kalian kerjakan tidak berjalan dengan lancar? Atau ketika dihadapkan dengan suatu masalah, kalian merasa tidak memiliki suatu terobosan? Jangan khawatir, saya di sini sekarang untuk memulai suatu revolusi dalam kehidupan kalian. Sebenarnya, kita memiliki potensi yang lebih dari pada yang kita pikirkan. Hanya saja, kita seolah menahan diri untuk tidak berkembang, karena kita kurang menghargai satu hal yang sebenarnya sepele, yaitu bermain.

Sejak kecil, kita diajarkan untuk bermain. Tapi kita tidak pernah dijelaskan kenapa kita perlu bermain. Kita hanya percaya bahwa bermain itu hal yang baik. Beranjak dewasa, kita semakin menyepelekan bermain. Banyak dari kita yang semakin sibuk dengan pekerjaan kita. Bahkan ketika ada waktu luang, mungkin kita hanya duduk menonton TV atau di depan komputer. Meskipun kita sudah dewasa, bukan berarti kita harus selalu serius hidup berpusat disekitar pekerjaan kita saja.

Coba kita ambil contoh seperti: Full day school. Belajar 45 jam seminggu hingga 7 mata pelajaran tiap harinya. Lalu bagaimana dengan waktu bermain? Banyak orang tua yang berkata bahwa anak-anak jangan terlalu banyak bermain, karena hidup itu serius dan bukanlah ajang main-main. Nah karena hal tersebut terciptalah pikiran seperti robot dan pekerja seperti mesin. Kita tidak butuh itu, yang kita butuhkan adalah kemampuan untuk menjadi kreatif dan inovatif.

Bermain tidak hanya penting untuk anak-anak, tapi juga bagi orang dewasa sekalipun. Pernahkah kalian mengamati anak-anak yang sedang bermain, bahwa mereka lebih terbuka akan kemungkinan-kemungkinan? Misalnya ketika mereka mendapati suatu hal yang baru, mereka akan bertanya “Hal apakah itu?” “Apa yang bisa kulakukan dengan hal itu?” Disanalah awal kreativitas dimulai.

Sebuah penelitian dari Alzheimer’s Association International Conference tahun 2014 menyatakan, semakin banyak kita bermain, semakin besar dan berkembang otak kita. Bermain dapat merangsang pertumbuhan neuron dan hubungan di berbagai area otak, seperti dalam ingatan, strategi, kemampuan spasial, hingga motorik. Coba lihat lumba-lumba, mereka senang bermain dan punya otak yang cukup besar. Namun pemain yang terbaik tentu saja adalah kita, manusia.

Setiap orang bermain, bahkan binatang pun bermain. Contohnya, anak kucing. Awalnya peneliti berpikir hal itu untuk mengasah keterampilan berburu mereka. Namun ternyata, hasil penelitian di Washington State University menyatakan bahwa itu untuk menciptakan otak sosial yang mampu berinteraksi dengan sesamanya secara positif. Contoh lainnya, anjing juga bermain. Tapi kalian tahu bahwa anjing yang main lebih banyak akan hidup lebih lama. Sama seperti manfaat untuk binatang, tentunya ada manfaat bagi manusia.

Semua ini tentunya adalah fakta. Banyak manfaat yang didapat dari bermain. Ketika kita melupakan pentingnya bermain, hal itu sama seperti kita menahan diri dalam perkembangan produktivitas dan kreativitas kita. Coba bayangkan dunia tanpa bermain. Dunia tanpa hiburan, seni, atau olahraga. Tidak menyenangkan bukan?

Nah disinilah bagaimana saya ingin mengakhiri pembicaraan saya. Bagaimana kita membuat suatu revolusi dari bermain? Mudah saja, sebenarnya kita hanya perlu menemukan kembali bermain, hal apa yang kita sukai. Permainan tradisional seperti sepak bola, naik sepeda, puzzle game, atau apapun itu. Temukanlah hal itu lagi, karena kalian adalah para pemimpin yang inovatif dan kreatif. Terima kasih.

English Version 

Have you ever thought that the way you are doing things is not proceed smoothly? Or have you ever felt like you are stopping in front of troubles, without having breakthrough? Worry not, since we’re here today to start a revolution in your life. Actually, we can living up to our potential more than from what we think. We are just happened to handicapping ourselves. We are holding ourselves back because we don’t value a trivial things in our lives. It is to play. Yes people, I said “play”.

As kids, we are taught to play. But we’re never given a reason why we should play. It’s just acceptable that play is a good thing. On the contrary when we grow older, we begin to devalue play. In our modern lives, many of us focus heavily on work that we never seem to have time for fun. Even when we have some leisure time, we’re most likely to sit in front of TV or computer. But just because we are adults, that doesn’t mean we must take ourselves so seriously and make life all about work.

Now, just think about your job or your workplace. Is it fun? Is it playful? Have you ever felt guilty, when your colleague saw you just playing around – even though you have many task to do? “Oh, he saw me. Now he’s going to think that I’m not working hard.” In the end, it’s not satisfying because you are restricted and not having any fun. This is where we begin to think – are we really stuck in life because we don’t value play? Well, I must say that is true.

Let’s take this as an example: a full day school. Study for 45 hours a week, learn up to seven subjects a day. Then how about play? I have heard that we shouldn’t let kids play too much, because life is serious and they must learn about seriousness in life. Is that so? And it’s because our education is so serious that we are creating mindless robots and mechanized workers. We do not need those things. The thing we need the most is the ability to learn how to be creative and innovative.

Play is not just essential for kids. It can be the source of relaxation and stimulation for adults as well. Have you ever observe that playful kids are more engaged with open possibilities? When they come across something new, they will certainly ask “what is it?” and “what can I do with it?” This is where creativity began.

A recent study *from Alzheimer’s Association International Conference 2014* have shown that the more you play, the bigger and more developed the brains are. Play can stimulate the growth of new neurons and connectivity in brain regions – especially in memory, strategy, spatial orientation, as well as motoric skills. See dolphins, pretty big brain, and play a lot. But the biggest players with the biggest brains are truly us – humans.

Kids play, adults play, it is a universal thing. Our brains are hardwired to play. Through many years and decades, nature has selecting traits for competitive advantage. For example, throughout animal kingdom: kittens play. At first, researcher thought this sort of play-like activity is a way for young animals to develop hunting skills. But that is not the case. The function of play is to build a social brain, that know how to interact with others in positive way. *Said Jaak Panksepp, researcher of Washington State University* Dogs play, but what you may not know is the dogs that play more, survive longer. Play is a huge benefit. Just like there’s benefit to animals, there’s benefit to human.

These things are indeed facts. These are the benefits of play. And if we handicap ourselves from play, it’s the same like we’re holding ourselves back to improve our productivity. Just try to imagine a world without play: a world without arts, without sports, without song. Pretty gloomy, right? So, this is where we want to finish up. How can we make the revolution through play. Actually, it’s easy. You just need to rediscover play. Just do whatever you used to enjoy, like biking, playing soccer, or playing a game. Rediscover that because you are thought leader – innovation leader. Talk to your friends, share the stories about how play promotes innovation and productivity.

And lastly, let us ignite the flame of the play revolution.
Thank you.

Some reference:

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